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The above photographs: Bottle of Ginger

Bottle of Ginger, a brand new social enterprise based in the east end of Glasgow, aims to produce organic 'ginger' drinks (a local term for carbonated, non-alcoholic drinks) from locally grown and sourced ingredients. As a non - profit organisation, the brand connects fizzy drinks with the local community through employment, workshops and education.


As students, we joined the company at the very start of their journey. In project brief, we were asked to help Bottle of Ginger to explore new ways through design focusing on local heritage, Bridgeton community and aspect of growing plants as their ingredients. In my individual project, I focused on their vision of farming community and natural ingredients and converted it into an idea of service connecting community, customers and potential co-workers as a sustainable business.



Bottle of Ginger







I wanted to develop a service that could change social perceptions within the soft drink industry, shifting it to importance of growing our food locally and sustainably. I wanted to target urban citizens who care about their own health, wellbeing and support everything that is local.


Through the project, and engagement with users, I gathered insights into what the future of home gardening would look like for the Bottle of Ginger. I started looking into the hydroponics and Kratky system as potential solutions.



Bottle of Ginger new business plan is based on the ecosystem where grown ingredients may be exchanged and sold. Citizens act as farmers through indoor farming and co-operation with the Company and their community. Desired outcome is to change industry of soft drinks and perception of growing food. It makes kicking off the own business so easy and enable people to bring their work and passion into their healthy lifestyle.


The plant is an artifact that connects all touchpoints. The used bottles could be reused as a pot for self - watering plants - ingredients for a new drink.



The designed service is based on the chain and hybrid relation between Bottle of Ginger, its community, customers and potential co-workers. The project works on many levels. It consists of: Bottle of Ginger website connected with (QR) codes, the indoor growing idea and the future application for its farmers.



The Bottle of Ginger knows their customers needs by listening to them through multi-channel communication. People have an opportunity to get to know the company from the inside out. By being transparent, the Bottle of Ginger builds trust among its customers who are able to know what they drink and how their favourite product was made.


 © 2022 by Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek

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