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Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek

Service Designer

Sustainable Futures by
Participatory Design


Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek.logo.png

Collaborative Project

In the collaboration with University Hospital Crosshouse in Kilmarnock, Scotland, we were asked to explore the field of endoscopy and carry out the research to map and understand the current patient and staff experience. Through planning, applying appropriate user research methods and tools as well as providing actionable user insights, as a team, we were able to develop service provided by nurses in the endoscopy unit.



By utilizing design thinking methods, we found new design opportunities and developed possible concepts and strategies for the unit.


We mapped findings deliver by those who did field user research and shadowed patients and staff members.
I participated in both tasks.


The map was divided by specific areas and consisted of: actions, data, thinking, participants, touchpoints, ambivalence emotion, challenges, opportunities, emotions based on control and communication. Two of our team members created a digital version of our developed user journey.


As a team, we precisely mapped all our insights. Through categorising and analysing them together, we interpreted complex information which helped us to understand the existing situation, find opportunities for design as well as make further decisions. In the end, we chose 13 opportunities and divided them between our groups. My 5 people team focused on trust and control themes that applied to staff members and patients.

Working collaboratively in a smaller team, we analysed and aligned user research findings with objectives to create opportunities, followed by concepts and strategic insights. Appropriate design tools helped us to choose the final concept: ‘A touch of nurse’.



An interactive object as a connection between staff and patient. It increases the bond between them through respect and trust. ‘The thing’ helps to understand the duties of the nurses in the endoscopy unit, thus expands the patient’s knowledge and put his emotions under control.


Through regular communication with a range of stakeholders and conducted research and design methods, we discovered the spirit of the endoscopy unit - nurses. They create the environment and feel of the place. The patient journey is based, mainly on emotions that shape his overall experience. We described the nurse spirit as a patient's protector. Chosen concepts focus on respect, humanity, a bond between staff and patient as well as a celebration of good values within the unit.

We want nurses to feel visibly valued and celebrated throughout their daily work.



Near Future





By creating a timeline, we showed long term impact of our idea which can expand further to other hospitals.


As a team, we were developing a logo and chose the pink colour as it is already the colour of the endoscopy unit in the Crosshouse hospital.

Additionally, I created the endoscopy unit plan to visualise which parts of the unit would be effected by our product. The map shows places where contact between our stakeholders is possible.

I marked the areas by placing our logo.

Our team was looking for a platform where we could place our vision based on users needs. A symbol of proud, optimism and positive values. We considered nurse as a vehicle of communication between themselves, patients, wards, hospitals and public. Due to NHS regulations for nurse uniform, we had to stick with the only possible solution for now

- a badge.

We created the leaflet in which the badge is closed in.

"... With every day comes to a new challenge.


And without you, things just wouldn't be possible.


No one else can do what you do quite like yourself. This should be celebrated and known because it is what makes everyone's experiences just that little bit better."

The presented number of touchpoints that relate to both nurses and patients.

Thank You! ~ Our Team

 © 2022 by Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek

All rights reserved

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