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Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek

Service Designer

Sustainable Futures by
Participatory Design

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The Cairngorms National Park, folktale, Glenmore Legends, The King of Fairies (NUMBER 03 on the Map), retold by Allison Galbraith, the professional storyteller.


Story Maps ~ People,Places,Stories

Story Maps is a new platform that connects visitors and locals perspectives of the place.  Allowing users to discover places and people through their stories, it creates a valuable experience in the natural environment, aware listeners, empowers tellers and benefits both,

locals and visitors.


Story Maps Website with Audio Stories:


The Cairngorms National Park, StoryMaps leaflet

Outside (full photo)
Inside (full photo)

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As a part of sustainable tourism in Scotland, Story Maps focuses on a responsible promotion of place, its people and its heritage which could develop an understanding of dependencies in our ecosystem. To preserve it for future generations, meaningful and memorable experiences need to be created. That respectful awareness between people and place should be a cornerstone of sustainable living. We cannot forget the past and need to preserve the present in order to develop the future.


As a person who tries to live environmentally friendly, nature enthusiast and vivid traveler, I was interested in sustainable experiences in tourism, particularly based on the place identity, its people and their stories.


I chose known to me the Cairngorms National Park as my study case. Following the broad desk and field research, I conducted many interviews with locals, residents, and visitors. These insights gave me interesting statements, like “Tourism authorities do not consider local people in their plans”, “Identity is absolutely critical. It is a historic core of what we are”, “We do not need more tourists. They are irresponsible” as well as “I do not know any local stories”. The promotion of the Cairngorms NP focuses on outdoor attractions and nature exploration, however, often ignoring its people. It was the moment when I knew it will be a socially responsible focused process.


Narrowing the scope of my project I discovered the people - place connection, through storytelling workshop I participated in the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh, and values of environmental storytelling and experience design. Therefore, I believed it was best to focus my idea on promoting places and people through their stories.


Following the prototyping stage that focused on visual map and symbols for the place as well as the audio recording sessions to gather locals and visitors perspectives, I established contacts and received feedback which helped me to develop my idea. The Grantown and Vicinity Community Council allowed me to look into the past and discovered Grantown promotional leaflets that used to present the place in an authentic way, including the images of local people and their every day lives. I decided, to bring that meaningful aspect back to life.


What if you could explore the place through their stories and be more aware of its people, nature and heritage? What if you could contribute to promote values from your place and preserve them for the future generations? What if you could share your own story with others?

Story Maps allows you to discover places in a new way. I hope more valuable to everyone.

Aleksndra Kalet-Pyrek. Design Portflio

Story Maps, because we all need to have roots to care about where we are

 © 2022 by Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek

All rights reserved

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